WHO warn A-H1N1 Influenza Pandemic Second Wave

Countries in all over the world appealed to alertness about possibility of A-H1N1 influenza pandemic second wave. This is will be one next challenge for every country in the world is how to distributed vaccine to preventive this virus. According to General Director if World Health Organization (WHO) Margareth Chan on August 21, 2009 by video in Asia Pacific Regional Symposium about Flu in Beijing, China, every country government in all over the world must prepared to face A-H1N1 influenza pandemic second wave. So far, more than two dozens of formation companies effort to produce safe and effective vaccine for A-H1N1 influenza.
“We need prepare for every surprises form new spread of this virus in the future. This is together with no purposed mutation that keep continuing as survival mechanism of microbe in the world,” says Chan. “We also need to upgrade our alertness for second or third of this virus spread as we seen in the last pandemic,” added Chan. According to the last data from WHO, approximately 1,800 people dies since the first A-H1N1 influenza infection on last April. The highest dies number happened on countries in America continental.
WHO declared global pandemic on last June and now 170 countries reported have A-H1N1 influenza positive cases. When this pandemic going weaken in southern hemisphere, in northern hemisphere must alertness prepare following with flu regular season come. “Like every influenza virus, A-H1N1 get benefit from season changed,” says Chan.
Issue about how to secured safety and effective vaccine supplies in all over the world need to solve. “We need input to choose the priority group to get protection by vaccine given,” added Chan stressed. “This is the most difficult decision have to make by every countries in the world. Like we know, vaccine supplies are very limited for the next months,” he says. This early week northern hemisphere already ordered more than one billion A-H1N1 influenza vaccine dosage. Medicine company from China, Sinovac Biotech, this week announced positive early data from clinic tested, after testing subject given by one vaccine dosage. But many expert stated need double dosage for most of people because many of them no have A-H1N1 influenza immunes yet. Assistant of WHO Director General, Keiji Fukuda make statement ,”In this situation, access to vaccine, access for another important benefit for every countries, is same important to share information about virus.” To increase access of vaccine and anti-virus medicine, WHO respond about A-H1N1 influenza pandemic second wave possibility will focus on tracking and monitoring extraordinary cases, information provided and support. “Alertness must to do in many countries to pandemic respond is very different.” Fukuda says. “This thing showed to us, we need to increase our alertness,” added Fukuda. That is mean, all stake holders need to increase their alertness, knowledge, also national and international capacity strengthen.