Tai Chi May Help Ward Off Knee Pain in Seniors
photo: exmsft.com
Two hours per week can improve osteoarthritis symptoms in older patients, study finds
-- Randy Dotinga
-- Randy Dotinga
THURSDAY, Oct. 29 (HealthDay News) -- Want to improve that osteoarthritis in your knee? New research suggests that regular Tai Chi exercise can reduce pain and help your knee function better.
"Tai Chi is a mind-body approach that appears to be an applicable treatment for older adults with knee osteoarthritis," Dr. Chenchen Wang, co-author of a study published in the November issue of Arthritis Care & Research, said in a news release from the journal's publisher. In the United States, an estimated 4.3 million adults over 60 suffer from this form of arthritis. As many as half of American adults may develop symptoms by age 85, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported recently.
Wang and colleagues from Tufts University School of Medicine recruited 40 patients, with an average age of 65, who had been diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis. Half of the group took part in Yang-style Tai Chi sessions for an hour at a time, twice weekly over a period of three months. The Tai Chi session consisted of 10-minutes of self-message and review, a half hour of movement, 10 minutes of breathing exercises and 10 minutes of relaxing.
The other participants took two 60-minute classes per week for three months and learned about issues such as diet and nutrition, and treatments for osteoarthritis. They also stretched for 20 minutes.
Those who practiced Tai Chi had significantly less knee pain than the other group and also reported less depression, more physical function and better overall health.
"Our observations emphasize a need to further evaluate the biologic mechanisms and approaches of Tai Chi to extend its benefits to a broader population," Wang said.
"Tai Chi is a mind-body approach that appears to be an applicable treatment for older adults with knee osteoarthritis," Dr. Chenchen Wang, co-author of a study published in the November issue of Arthritis Care & Research, said in a news release from the journal's publisher. In the United States, an estimated 4.3 million adults over 60 suffer from this form of arthritis. As many as half of American adults may develop symptoms by age 85, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported recently.
Wang and colleagues from Tufts University School of Medicine recruited 40 patients, with an average age of 65, who had been diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis. Half of the group took part in Yang-style Tai Chi sessions for an hour at a time, twice weekly over a period of three months. The Tai Chi session consisted of 10-minutes of self-message and review, a half hour of movement, 10 minutes of breathing exercises and 10 minutes of relaxing.
The other participants took two 60-minute classes per week for three months and learned about issues such as diet and nutrition, and treatments for osteoarthritis. They also stretched for 20 minutes.
Those who practiced Tai Chi had significantly less knee pain than the other group and also reported less depression, more physical function and better overall health.
"Our observations emphasize a need to further evaluate the biologic mechanisms and approaches of Tai Chi to extend its benefits to a broader population," Wang said.
More information
Learn more about osteoarthritis from the Arthritis Foundation.
SOURCE: Arthritis Care & Research, news release, Oct. 29, 2009
Copyright © 2009 ScoutNews, LLC. All rights reserved.
Learn more about osteoarthritis from the Arthritis Foundation.
SOURCE: Arthritis Care & Research, news release, Oct. 29, 2009
Copyright © 2009 ScoutNews, LLC. All rights reserved.
Cholesterol Necessary for Brain Development
pic: ehow.com
Paola Sacchetti, Kyle M. Sousa, Anita C. Hall, Isabel Liste, Knut R. Steffensen, Spyridon Theofilopoulos, Clare L. Parish, Carin Hazenberg, Lars Ährlund Richter, Outi Hovatta, Jan-Åke Gustafsson & Ernest Arenas
Liver X Receptors and oxysterols promote ventral midbrain neurogenesis in vivo and in human embryonic stem cells.
Cell Stem Cell, 2 October 2009.
[PRESS RELEASE 2 October 2009] A derivative of cholesterol is necessary for the formation of brain cells, according to a study from the Swedish medical university Karolinska Institutet. The results, which are published in the journal Cell Stem Cell, can help scientists to cultivate dopamine-producing cells outside the body.
The study was led by Professor Ernest Arenas and demonstrates that the formation of dopamine-producing neurons during brain development in mice is dependent on the activation of a specific receptor in the brain by an oxidised form of cholesterol called oxysterol. Dopamine-producing nerve cells play an important part in many brain functions and processes, from motor skills to reward systems and dependency. They are also the type of cell that dies in Parkinson's disease.
The scientists have also shown that embryonic stem cells cultivated in the laboratory, form more dopamine-producing nerve cells if they are treated with oxidised cholesterol. The same treatment also reduced the tendency of the stem cells to show uncontrolled growth.
"Oxysterol contributes to a safer and better cultivation of dopamine-producing cells, which is a great advancement since it increases the possibility of developing new treatments for Parkinsons disease," says Professor Arenas.
It is hoped that one day it will be possible to replace dead cells in the brains of Parkinson's patients with transplanted cultivated dopamine-producing cells. Such cells can also be used to test new Parkinson's drugs.
The study was led by Professor Ernest Arenas and demonstrates that the formation of dopamine-producing neurons during brain development in mice is dependent on the activation of a specific receptor in the brain by an oxidised form of cholesterol called oxysterol. Dopamine-producing nerve cells play an important part in many brain functions and processes, from motor skills to reward systems and dependency. They are also the type of cell that dies in Parkinson's disease.
The scientists have also shown that embryonic stem cells cultivated in the laboratory, form more dopamine-producing nerve cells if they are treated with oxidised cholesterol. The same treatment also reduced the tendency of the stem cells to show uncontrolled growth.
"Oxysterol contributes to a safer and better cultivation of dopamine-producing cells, which is a great advancement since it increases the possibility of developing new treatments for Parkinsons disease," says Professor Arenas.
It is hoped that one day it will be possible to replace dead cells in the brains of Parkinson's patients with transplanted cultivated dopamine-producing cells. Such cells can also be used to test new Parkinson's drugs.
Paola Sacchetti, Kyle M. Sousa, Anita C. Hall, Isabel Liste, Knut R. Steffensen, Spyridon Theofilopoulos, Clare L. Parish, Carin Hazenberg, Lars Ährlund Richter, Outi Hovatta, Jan-Åke Gustafsson & Ernest Arenas
Liver X Receptors and oxysterols promote ventral midbrain neurogenesis in vivo and in human embryonic stem cells.
Cell Stem Cell, 2 October 2009.
The Cancer Cells Killer: Curry Spice
photo : 3.bp.blogspot.com
England scientists researching an extract found in the bright yellow curry spice turmeric can kill off cancer cells. According to British Journal of Cancer, a molecule found in a curry ingredient can kill esophageal cancer cells in the laboratory, suggesting it might be developed as an anti-cancer treatment, scientists said on Wednesday (October 29, 2009). Researchers at the Cork Cancer Research Center in Ireland treated esophageal cancer cells with curcumin - a chemical found in the spice turmeric, which gives curries a distinctive yellow color -- and found it started to kill cancer cells within 24 hours. “These exciting results suggest that scientists could develop curcumin as a potential anti-cancer drug to treat oesophageal cancer,” says Dr Sharon McKenna, lead study author at the Cork Cancer Research Centre, UCC. “Scientists have known for a long time that natural compounds have the potential to treat faulty cells that have become cancerous and we suspected that curcumin might have therapeutic value. Dr Geraldine O’Sullivan-Coyne, a medical researcher in our lab had been looking for new ways of killing resistant oesophageal cancer cells. She tested curcurmin on resistant cells and found that they started to die using an unexpected system of cell messages.” Cancers of the esophagus kill more than 500,000 people across the world each year. The tumors are especially deadly, with five-year survival rates of just 12 to 31 percent.
Pill Bottle Cap can send SMS
How someone can be can recovered if always forget to consume medicine? According to survey, average 60 percent patient in South Africa forget to consume medicine. This is become one factor make medical expense increased. To see that survey result, a doctor named Dr. David Green created “smart” pill bottle cap that can send message containing medicine consume time schedule to patient via short message service (SMS). This unique invention was collaboration between Simpill, a company based on Cape Town, South Africa, and the biggest cellular operator company. Tellumat Communication was success to develop patient monitoring system by wireless facilities. The result, this medicine bottle has double function, beside used for keep medicine also have function to remind you via SMS if time to consume medicine has come. This is makes patient not forget to consume their medicine. This medicine bottle also makes sirens sound to remind you.
Many Parents Denied A-H1N1 Influenza Vaccine
More than one third of A-H1N1 Influenza Vaccine to Children polls respondents in some states in United States of America, according to Associated Press-GfK news agency version, statement to denied. Polls found 38 percent parents will not allowed their children given vaccine by school. The reason is connected with side effect even reported not seriously. Some of them think that influenza not more dangerous than ordinary influenza. Meanwhile the rest of A-H1N1 Influenza vaccine given slit to two opinions, between still worried with side effect of vaccine and the other surely to accept this plan. “Basically flu is flu. I just worried to side effect in the long time period,” says Julie Ueclein, one of the mothers who denied this A-H1N1 Influenza Vaccine given plan. Government health office side said they still given this vaccine to children at schools, beside need to prevent this disease, also no have negative effect.
Very Fast Spread Level of A-H1N1 Influenza
Spread level of A-H1N1 Influenza is four times faster than another virus and 40 percent dies victim is young and healthy person. “This virus track is unbelievable, almost not heard about their spread,” says General Director of World Health Organization (WHO) Margaret Chan to France’s Le Monde Daily on Saturday (August 29, 2009) in Paris, France. “In six weeks, the virus spread all over the world. Although, for another virus take six months to reach same distance with A-H1N1 Influenza spread,” explains Chan. “Sixty percent of people who died have healthy problem,” she added. That means about 40 percent from died victim happened on young and in well healthy condition. They died because fever from A-H1N1 Influenza infection in 4-7 days.
“This fact more worries. More than 30 percent of world population in high density countries has risk to get A-H1N1 Influenza infection,” she says. A-H1N1 Influenza pandemic now is dominated by flu strain in biggest part of the world. Pandemic keep continue in next some months to infection susceptible population. Even that, emergency service resources and emergency care unit application for cancer and heart diseases is better not to be changed. “All countries must prepare to the worst condition to face it this condition,” she explains. The last data from WHO showed more than 2,180 person died because this virus since April 2009.
“This fact more worries. More than 30 percent of world population in high density countries has risk to get A-H1N1 Influenza infection,” she says. A-H1N1 Influenza pandemic now is dominated by flu strain in biggest part of the world. Pandemic keep continue in next some months to infection susceptible population. Even that, emergency service resources and emergency care unit application for cancer and heart diseases is better not to be changed. “All countries must prepare to the worst condition to face it this condition,” she explains. The last data from WHO showed more than 2,180 person died because this virus since April 2009.
A-H1N1 Influenza Not Influenced By Climate
World Health Organization (WHO) explained that A-H1N1 Influenza virus already infected human in many countries with various climate. This is revealed from cumulative case numbers and death by A-H1N1 Influenza in the world report. So far recorded more than 182,000 A-H1N1 Influenza infected cases and almost 1,800 death cases in 177 countries in the world. Dr SJ Habayeb, WHO representative in India clarified in New Dehli, A-H1N1 Influenza have no connected with climate. “A-H1N1 Influenza cases reported from countries with cold and hot weather temperature,” he says. For example, A-H1N1 Influenza infected cases reported from Texas, New York, and California with various weather temperatures.
WHO warn A-H1N1 Influenza Pandemic Second Wave
Countries in all over the world appealed to alertness about possibility of A-H1N1 influenza pandemic second wave. This is will be one next challenge for every country in the world is how to distributed vaccine to preventive this virus. According to General Director if World Health Organization (WHO) Margareth Chan on August 21, 2009 by video in Asia Pacific Regional Symposium about Flu in Beijing, China, every country government in all over the world must prepared to face A-H1N1 influenza pandemic second wave. So far, more than two dozens of formation companies effort to produce safe and effective vaccine for A-H1N1 influenza.
“We need prepare for every surprises form new spread of this virus in the future. This is together with no purposed mutation that keep continuing as survival mechanism of microbe in the world,” says Chan. “We also need to upgrade our alertness for second or third of this virus spread as we seen in the last pandemic,” added Chan. According to the last data from WHO, approximately 1,800 people dies since the first A-H1N1 influenza infection on last April. The highest dies number happened on countries in America continental.
WHO declared global pandemic on last June and now 170 countries reported have A-H1N1 influenza positive cases. When this pandemic going weaken in southern hemisphere, in northern hemisphere must alertness prepare following with flu regular season come. “Like every influenza virus, A-H1N1 get benefit from season changed,” says Chan.
Issue about how to secured safety and effective vaccine supplies in all over the world need to solve. “We need input to choose the priority group to get protection by vaccine given,” added Chan stressed. “This is the most difficult decision have to make by every countries in the world. Like we know, vaccine supplies are very limited for the next months,” he says. This early week northern hemisphere already ordered more than one billion A-H1N1 influenza vaccine dosage. Medicine company from China, Sinovac Biotech, this week announced positive early data from clinic tested, after testing subject given by one vaccine dosage. But many expert stated need double dosage for most of people because many of them no have A-H1N1 influenza immunes yet. Assistant of WHO Director General, Keiji Fukuda make statement ,”In this situation, access to vaccine, access for another important benefit for every countries, is same important to share information about virus.” To increase access of vaccine and anti-virus medicine, WHO respond about A-H1N1 influenza pandemic second wave possibility will focus on tracking and monitoring extraordinary cases, information provided and support. “Alertness must to do in many countries to pandemic respond is very different.” Fukuda says. “This thing showed to us, we need to increase our alertness,” added Fukuda. That is mean, all stake holders need to increase their alertness, knowledge, also national and international capacity strengthen.
“We need prepare for every surprises form new spread of this virus in the future. This is together with no purposed mutation that keep continuing as survival mechanism of microbe in the world,” says Chan. “We also need to upgrade our alertness for second or third of this virus spread as we seen in the last pandemic,” added Chan. According to the last data from WHO, approximately 1,800 people dies since the first A-H1N1 influenza infection on last April. The highest dies number happened on countries in America continental.
WHO declared global pandemic on last June and now 170 countries reported have A-H1N1 influenza positive cases. When this pandemic going weaken in southern hemisphere, in northern hemisphere must alertness prepare following with flu regular season come. “Like every influenza virus, A-H1N1 get benefit from season changed,” says Chan.
Issue about how to secured safety and effective vaccine supplies in all over the world need to solve. “We need input to choose the priority group to get protection by vaccine given,” added Chan stressed. “This is the most difficult decision have to make by every countries in the world. Like we know, vaccine supplies are very limited for the next months,” he says. This early week northern hemisphere already ordered more than one billion A-H1N1 influenza vaccine dosage. Medicine company from China, Sinovac Biotech, this week announced positive early data from clinic tested, after testing subject given by one vaccine dosage. But many expert stated need double dosage for most of people because many of them no have A-H1N1 influenza immunes yet. Assistant of WHO Director General, Keiji Fukuda make statement ,”In this situation, access to vaccine, access for another important benefit for every countries, is same important to share information about virus.” To increase access of vaccine and anti-virus medicine, WHO respond about A-H1N1 influenza pandemic second wave possibility will focus on tracking and monitoring extraordinary cases, information provided and support. “Alertness must to do in many countries to pandemic respond is very different.” Fukuda says. “This thing showed to us, we need to increase our alertness,” added Fukuda. That is mean, all stake holders need to increase their alertness, knowledge, also national and international capacity strengthen.
President Arias Get A-H1N1 Flu
President of Costa Rica Arias get A-H1N1 flu. He became known first head of state who get this desease. Sixty nine years old president and win Nobel Prize for Peace get light case. President said he carantined at home and cure with antiflu drug Oseltamivir. “That pandemy make no difference and can attacked anyone,” says Arias on Wednesdat y (August 12, 2009). “I am one of victims in this this country amd O pnbey to recommendation that make by healthy authourity to all population.” His brother also authourity officer in this country, Rodrigo Arias, said before to Costa Rica people that shocked when known their president must be isolated at home for at least one week, but not delegation executicve power along his absence. President Arias who also have cronis brochitis, reported have indication like flu for a few days so make him to followed medical check up. “After fell throatache, headache, and fever, President asked to followed medical check up and Tuesday their confirmed he get influenza virus A-H1N1,” says Rodrigo Arias. President Arias this recently lead international effort to crissis overcome in Honduras, after Predint Manuel Zelaya overthrowned in militery coup d’etat on June. Minister ofInformation Mayi Antillon said that Arias will keep working from home. “He don’t want to lied people,”says Antillon. Arias win Nobel Prize for Peace in 1987 for his plan to make peace and ended civil war and geurilla conflict in South America. He became president for the first time in 1986-1990 and back to elected as president in 2006 and promise to ended corruption and bering Costa Rica to a free trade pact with United States of America.
Reduce Oily Skin Face with Celery
Your skin face is oily? No way. But after you try so many ingradients, your skin face still oily, just try to use celery. Is easy way to use it. Take enough celery leafs, washed untik clean. After that put in the container the poured with hot water. Keep this soaked water in refrigrator. In the night you can use soaked water to cleaning your skin face, washed celery water for a while in your skin face. Wait till this cekery water going dried. Last, washed it with warm water. Do this every night and oily in your skin face will decreasing.
Interrelated Low IQ and Air Pollution
Scientists for the first time explained direct interrelated between air pollution explonation before baby born and low intelligence quotient (IQ). This clarified that pullution smokes is dangerous for brain development. This is study result about women carrying child who born in New York City. Preganant women use bag for monitoring air quality for 48 hours. Then after the child born had IQ test when they are five years old. The result, averange point of child have 5 point lower than normal IQ averange. This result was publicated in Pediatrics in August Edition.
Flu Pandemy Accused
United Kingdom (UK) and France is same but no same. Even this two countries is neighbourhood, have almost same piopulation. UK has 60,71 million popullation and France has 62,94 million popullation. Poverty level and medical fasilities of both countries is advance and modern but swine flu spread is unbalance. This fact makes question about validity of A-H1N1 infuenza pandemy. Both of countries should same pandemy status if the A-H1N1 be more dangeours. Logically, this two countries wil have the same problem interrelated with A-H1N1 because almost have same condition. Beside that in this time, borderline between countries no longer clearly. Everything now opened. People more easily move from one country to other country. Virus spreaded more hard to handle. But suprised, fact between UK condition and France in spread of A-H1N1 so different. In two last weeks, at leasr founded 250.000 positive A-H1N1 influenza cases in UK, 27 patients of this cases were dead inUK and 4 in Scotland. Contrastly in France with only founded 1.022 positive A-H1N1 influenza cases and only on patient are dead. High cases in UK makes World Health Organization (WHO) on July 12 declared A-H1N1 influenza pandemy in UK. Question appeared why this could be happened. Infection diseases expert and ex-UK Red Cross officer, Marc Gentiline, guessed monitoring and aticipation system in UK not detail and effective like in France that can make preventation of this virus preaded early. Many hypothesis about different spread of A-H1N1 influenza in this two countries. Epidemiology expert in University ofWarwick, Thomas House, guessed one of the factor is UK climate conditioan that tenderly more humid and foggy.
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